Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring is Almost Here!

March 20 is when Spring 2009 will officially begin. From what I know, Spring is usually associated with sunny weather, spring cleaning, spring flings, spring break, and Easter! There's definitely a lot going on and what better way to start of the fresh this Spring season with a fresh attitude!

For example, changing studying habits, greeting someone cheerfully and getting some exercise is a great way to start the season with a fresh and positive attitude! :) So if you have been falling behind on those new year's resolutions, it's not too late to feel great and if you have been keeping up with the resolutions then keep up the good work!

Personally for me, eating healthy and hitting the gym at least 3 times a week was a promise I made to myself and so far, I would give myself a C+ knowing that I can really use an A- :X

ok, well here's to spring!

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