Friday, March 13, 2009

Shopping Mishaps


I currently just finished watching the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic starring Amy Adams and boy did that make think about money, ego and shopping. (Of course!)

First of all, I like that this movie is a sort of awakening for a lot of women who have that urge to shop and spend lavishly on things that are not a major necessity. I think it's important that the media notices that women especially, love to shop and buy a bunch of unnecessary items. I too am guilty of purchasing items out of impulse or just because something said it was, "On Sale." But the truth of the matter is that-shopping can lead to addiction and it is a serious problem for some people.

I actually have met people who surround themselves with mountains of clothes with price tags still on them. I've met people who constantly stress about what they are going to wear to a night out and frankly, to me-it's quite funny. I mean, I DO understand the need to look your best in order to put your best foot forward, but at the same time, the way you look is not necessary the whole piece of the pie. Inner substance is more important than the outer. Here are my tips on trying not to overspend come the next Black Friday event...

1. Actually get what you need and/or see yourself wearing the the next 3 months. (If you can't see yourself wearing that coat in the middle of July, then pass on that item)

2. Go to the bank, and withdraw a reasonable amount of cash to spend. Leave the credit card at home. (If you must use plastic, use only ONE credit card and decide on a spending limit on it)

3. Bring a friend who doesn't spend that much and ask him/her if you should really purchase something, sometimes a set of different eyes will let you know if something looks good or not.

4. Do not purchase more than you can carry. (Unless you're buying a table for your dining room, I suggest you only purchase things you can actually carry and continue walking around with)

6. Go to the fitting room and take your time, there is nothing worse than having to go back to the store and returning an item that you thought looked amazing.

7. Be full when you shop, theory has it that when you're full-that you spend less rather than spending more on an empty stomach.

There you have it folks, spend wisely and please don't end up in monsters of debt like Amy Adams did in the movie!

Have fun shopping :D


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