23 will be the age of renewal for me. I am not at that young age where I can waste away and do unproductive things anymore. I've really gotta buckle down and take that elbow grease out and figure things out for the future.
This is me putting my very best foot forward and trying new techniques to expand my little jewelry business (Sprinkim). I'm excited to test things out and figure out what works and what doesn't. Of course there are major kinks right now, but in due time, things will run smoothly.
Birthday's for me are like celebrating the New Year on January 1st. It's a time to reflect on the past and move on with the future. Most people are scared about moving forward, but I kinda like it (a lot!). It gives us a chance to experience cool things in a new light and broaden our horizons, meet new people that could change our lives and see what life is like in that moment.
Everyone has their moment of renewal and one day you will too! Just keep an optimistic mind and realize that everyone's different in their own way and that's okay.
So here's to my fellow Leo's! Enjoy!
with gratitude,
Just like kimchi...you leave it in the fridge and it only gets better as time passes.
Hehe, you would know :) Can't wait until we all reunite!
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