Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Only 3 Things...

It's been said many times that the rules to the game are life are simple:
-Think positive and fulfilling thoughs
-Surround yourself with positive people
-Speak only in a positive way towards yourself and others

But how many of us actually carry out these things? How hard is it to really understand what these rules are and what they mean? Even if I were to read this to my little cousins, they would not understand what those rules really mean.

Well, here it is in plain English...
You've got to be a good person!!! And that is easier said than done, I know- but life moves so smoothly and much more freely when you begin looking at life in a different looking-glass.

Here are some helpful tips that you use the rules of life....
-Don't gossip and talk behind people's backs, it's petty and that just keeps you stuck in a state of nothingness.
-Think highly of yourself (not in a ego-centered way) but in a sense that you know what you're doing and who you are as a person.
-Surround yourself with people who are doing the first two tips! Being around the right people is crucial to living a better life. You don't want to have friends or family members who talk bad about themselves or other people. We were all created as wonderful individuals who have their own stories and situations.

So, I hope this blog helps out to living a better life of goodness, peace and light.

with much gratitude,



Vannessa said...

It is crazy that you can solve life's problems with 3 simple rules. They are 3 things I'm working on applying to my experiences. Yet, as human beings at times it's like we live for the misery and drama, almost as if we are afraid of reaching that point where we are happy and content. I like you're insight, everytime I feel like getting in that negative funk, I'll take a look at kimbundance to slap me back to positivity!

Kimberly said...

Thanks Ness, ya-it's true as humans we unconsciously want that drama and misery in our life, just so we can feel like we're part of something. That's why it's important to snap out of it as quickly as we can and remember what we are truly grateful for.

Miss you.