Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When You're in a Pickle...

The other day I asked one of my cousins for a book that I purchased awhile back entitled, "How to Major in Success" by Patrick Combs. A great book/tool I highly recommend especially for those who are just entering into college or who is undecided on what to major in college. This book greatly, greatly, greatly! helped me through the rough times in figuring out which major to pursue.

Last Winter, I was faced with the biggest change in my life, to switch from the traditional perception of taking up nursing as a major to taking a MAJOR step into my life's own true happiness and joy. And this by far is the best change I've ever made in my 21 years of living.
Prior to switching my major, I was lost, confused, irritable, unsure and not to mention in bad physical condition-I was always sick with a cold or had a horrible stomach flu. It was a very confusing and unpromising life style.

Some time after I changed my nursing major, I instantly (and I mean instantly!) felt better, relieved-as if I had just struck gold! I was eager, ecstatic, lively and for once.....happy.

As time went by being "undeclared" in college, I purposely read through many self-help books trying to push me into the right direction. I talked to my peers and elderly people about where to go from here, which steps to make, what I have to be or do. Of course, I ran into those who thought I was absolutely nuts about dropping the nursing major but at that point, I just had to bypass all of the talk about money this and job that.

Then after much thinking and writing, it dawned on me, if you are ever in a tough situation; You've got to listen and wait for your intuition to tell me what to do, you've got to figure out what you like to do and what keeps you up and about!
And on one cold winter day, I found it! The answer I've been waiting for for so long. That feeling and moment......was priceless!

So let it be known, when you listen to what you're intuition and body is telling you, you better write it down and analyze it because that right there is what life is all about; living a life that you've chosen for yourself and nobody else. Because at the end of the day, when all is said and done, it's just you-living with yourself and if you're happy and living your life with genuine happiness then you ARE untouchable and nothing, nothing! will phase you!

with sincere love & gratitude,

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