With every single thing going on in our lives, stress seems to unvaryingly creep up into our lives and lingers around at random occasions. Heavy work load, final exams, having to balance children and work can pose many types of stressful factors in our lives.
The main thing to remember about alleviating stress is to set aside time for you. Your state of well-being is very important. When you are not in a positive and/or relaxed state, then all the energy you will be giving off will be a dull and unpleasant feeling (no matter how well you hide it).
Be aware of your unconscious and conscious thoughts. You may not even know it, but when you think badly about yourself and/or other people, you are emitting that harmful, negative energies out to the world. The more bad thoughts you think, the more bad things will come your way.
Try and relax your mind and think of happy, beautiful and uplifting thoughts. Perhaps even say positive affirmations when you are driving in your car or walking down the street. (Try repeating. "I am unlimited abundance and I am safe and happy in the universe.") When you are not stressed and you are at peace with yourself, difficult situations and hardships will much easier to overcome.
So, let's begin May 2009 with a positive and upbeat awareness and soon others will catch our contagious feel-good vibe.
abundance and peace to all! Hakuna Matata (it means no worries for the rest of your days!)
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