Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rack up the Good Karma!

I actually got my subtle sense of accomplishment today by finally volunteering somewhere that actually needed a lot of help. I've been wanting to donate my time for so long now, but I never remembered to call the person who was in charge. And even though it's sort of a lot of work, I know I'm actually making a difference by helping out. So, as cliche as it may seem, "Do go out of your way and make a difference, even the smallest things count." BECAUSE...

Karma came from a basic Buddhist theory derived from India in which they believed in doing good works (such as being genuinely good to other people, or helping the sick)and in turn, good things will come to you in return. Bad Karma is the exact opposite in where you do something intentionally harmful or unintentionally to
someone and in some form, it returns back to you during this lifetime or the next.

MY POINT: Giving your time and being genuinely considerate to others, will in turn bring back more positive results aka good karma. The universe is just waiting to abundantly shower you with all its goodness! So, what are you still waiting for? Start racking up the goodness, it's unlimited like your text messages.


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